Monday, 23 November 2009

Troubled - "speedpaint"?

Here is another one of these, This one took a little over 2.5 hours with breaks and what not. I'm not sure if that qualifies as a speed paint or not... probably not.

but here it is =D

Gotta do some more.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Golden dress "speedpaint"

I'm going to try to do one of these speedpaints per night, they only take about 2 hours give or take(not sure how speedy that is really...) I'm trying for a more rough "concepty" style using textures etc. Going to try to have a collection to put up within the next week.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Jack Monologue

This is a scene I put together to play with acting and lip sync. I don't really know how long it took.

Jack Monologue from korik jones on Vimeo.

Thursday, 17 September 2009


Yes! Finally got around to doing something outside of work.

Here is a "speed painting" of my fabulous girlfriend Justine.

This is my 1st digital portrait.

Monday, 27 July 2009

Rough paint dump?

Some sketches I uploaded to twitter after applying a burst of colour.

Friday, 24 July 2009


Workin the water colour angle.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Its been a while

Did this for fun today, went for a scene instead of a girl this time around. =D

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Updated demo reel

I took out alot of the junk i didnt like. Slimed it down by about 30 sec.. no more life drawing poses and what not...
so here it is!

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

jack pose test

a clip from "what happens in vegas"
just a rough pose test.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Pin-up Malificent

Been slacking with my post-per-day. (I know I know, bad korik, bad!) But in the meantime I decided to finish up a little procrastination piece.

After browsing the internet for pin-up art and seeing the same old stuff pop up I thought I would try something out my "box". I wanted to make Malificent appear a bit softer, younger... more, supple hehe =D

now back to the animating. =D

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

sketch dump... again

another sketch dump, mainly to make up for the lack of posts over the last few days.

now hopefully onto some animation next time around =D

Water colour experiment!

Just playing around with my new water colour kit. I want to do some more of these girls in this medium. Could be cool. I have to learn how to use these things better. =D


Scanned rough colour:

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Keeping up

Posting a sketch a day to keep the rustiness away =D

Going to post some more digital stuff soon as well as a sketch dump or two.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Happy "real" girl on the toilet?

Hahaha, thanks goes to steen for pointing that one out. Going to keep up with my blog a bit better, a post a day. I know I'll have to go through them a bit later and weed out the not so great ones. But hey its a start =D

Sunday, 3 May 2009

quick sketch before bed

Thought i would go for more of a "real" look this time around.

Thursday, 23 April 2009


This is my 1st attempt at a acrylic painting since high school. (its alot more purple in person.)

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Girls and guns guns and girls

I'm Between jobs and sick right now, so I have some time to play around =D

Friday, 13 March 2009

Finally, March 29th!

Cortoons international short film festival has finally updated their site with the upcoming festival schedule. Although.... they managed to spell my name incorrectly on the site.. Karik? strange... haha, the whole site is in Italian so that could be why, but its a name... Oh well at least my real name is in my credits. I'm just stoked to have my film being played in Rome =D!! If you get the chance to take a look my name is on the last day of the program march the 29th.

Once again thank you Cortoons, and Vfs!

Friday, 27 February 2009

Sketch dump - Girls

Went through the ol' sketchbook, put this together.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

at the window.

Another water colour one, I'm enjoying the completion factor of these. Went a little extreme with it in some ways but here it is.

Monday, 23 February 2009

wind swept girl

Decided last night to throw my water colours in my bag. Got to work this morning, dead as it usually is, I decided to play around. Eventually comming up with this.

I like the crows =D

ps: I finally got a decent scanner!

Design Projects

I forgot to include a couple graphic design projects I've completed as of recently.

This is a commisioned design I did for a local group of artists playing at Raw Canvas in yaletown comming up. My good friend Colin Bullock is preforming.

And this one I did as an art trade for my Friend Nathan sandland He also did the sound for my film. He's using this as his next album cover.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

another creature design

A fox creature that showed up in my sketchbook one day. Decided to clean him up in flash, just messing around with diffrent techniques. =D hope you like.

ps: anyone who wants to buy me a scanner is more than welcome. It would save me alot of time =D haha

Friday, 16 January 2009

Cortoons international short film festival

Thanks to Naomi in the marketing department over at VFS, my student film has been submitted to Cortoons international short film festival in Rome, Italy this march. Its been submitted along with some other of the VFS Alumni's films.
Needless to say I'm excited to see the official program =D

Strange how this kind of stuff tends to sneak up on you. I'm definitely not complaining.

Mi is treating me well, I could not have asked for a greater reception

Thank you Cortoons, and you too VFS.


View Larger Map

another cycle

another cycle, a run this time. did it in an hour or so.

hope you like =D

Thursday, 15 January 2009

omg it MOVES!!!!

Another walk cycle, trying to flex my puney animation muscles of DOOM!


Thursday, 8 January 2009

Lava aracnigoo!

The lava aracnigoo! Trying to get back into my creature designs.

here it is! Hope you like.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Happy 2009

Its a new year! Huraaah!

Little bit of news here, I've managed to fix my camera (olympus sp-350) BACK FROM THE GRAVE
Took the little bugger apart then fiddled with it a bit, replaced a couple things. Put it all back together and wazzzzaam! insta-fix.

So i've got a good start to this 2009 so far, Gotta keep it up.

Going to redo my website, since its been down for the last little while, thought i would give it a facelift and add some content.

Anywho Happy 2009 once again and I hope its a good year for all.