Saturday, 9 October 2010

update! sketch dump

Here are a few girls I had laying around. Thought its about time for a little sketch dump, its been a while. I still have some but I'm being lazy!

Also, I haven't been posting much on here, I've mostly been posting on my new blog, it's a more personal format, thoughts rants and opinions, the usual.

And remember my new portfolio site

Follow me on twitter too!

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Website update

I've updated my website, come check it out! !!

As of recently I have decided I will start making websites for people.
Feel free to contact me for a free consult for the next little while. Also if anyone needs a website done who is an animator friend, I will charge a flat rate!

Comment, or drop me a line at:

Thanks guys!

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Update time

While I've been searching endlessly for employment, I've had some time to do some stuff here and there.

Deep purple pearl
5"x7" Water colour

My wonderful girlfriend is always teaching me things about colour and digipainting is a fast way to play with that colour.


I start work again on Saturday, at starbucks. Huray employment.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Watercolour fun!

Busted out the watercolour last night, took some new brushes for a spin. I'm pretty happy to be doing some watercolour again it's fuuuuum :D

Here you go!

Red Moon
5"x7" Watercolour

Thursday, 1 July 2010

More bristol fun

Haven't been drawing or doing much while I've been looking for work. But here are a couple I have done. :D

"Blue shift"
5"x7" micron + speedball black ink + pitt pen on bristol

"Life Glow"
5"x7" hb, b and micron on bristol

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Bristol time

I went to opus while they had a sale and I bought my broke ass some bristol board! So I've been playing around. I definitely need more art supplies!

I'll keep you posted :D

5"x7" Diamonds and Pearls
micron + bristol

5"x7" Swirl Fairys
micron + pitt artist pen + bristol

Monday, 14 June 2010

Summer time!

Hey its summer girls, bust out the bikinis...
Haven't seen any out this year yet, though, it is vancouver.

So I'll make it up myself! heres a few doodles from tonight. :D

Also here is a little creature walk cycle I did last night.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010


Taking advantage of the spare time I've recently acquired. Going to be working on some exciting projects soon. I'll keep you guys posted. :D

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Sketch time

Oh man, I want to pump out more of these. I've been working at the studio animating a whole lot. these 12 hour days are crazy but probably helping my skills! Anyways here is a sketch I quickly painted from last week. I've been trying to do a sketch a night, but that hasnt been so silky smooth. heh.

Anywho, enjoy :D

Sunday, 16 May 2010


Gotta do more work! gawdamn!

expect more soon, have this for now:


Monday, 12 April 2010

Another speed paint

Just playing around again, nothing special :) just trying to keep this up to date!

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Hear that?

It's the sound of me posting on my blog! Hurah!!!

I have had this sitting on my desktop for far too long, rather than going in and working on something that I havent touched in a month, I'm just going to post it :)

Long time no see blog.

It's really been quite a while. I've just been working at my "normal jobs" hopefully get onto a show sometime soon!

I've got a few things brewing, drawing up some storyboards and always thinking up ideas for other shorts i want to do. Luckily I have Justine pulles to do my backgrounds :D So I'm sure they will turn out crazy good.

But for now here's a little sketch, a succubus. I'm sure everyone has had one of these in their lives at some point.

Keep up the good work everyone :)

Monday, 18 January 2010

Website down [Temp]

Anyone looking for my website, will be confused at the moment. Billing didnt go through, hopefully this will be resolved in the next day.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Animation Notes From Ollie Johnston Via John Lasseter

Found this great little link today on, If you don't check it religiously like I do, I suggest a change in your routine. I am constantly finding great articles and inspiration on this site, Keep it up guys.

Now enough about onto this article. WOW, I mean damn, look at all these great notes! I especially love #11 "don't be careless" I think we all sometimes fall victim to the, "good enough" when animating (we just wanna get it done sometimes!), truth is amazing animation comes from giving a shit about every line as if it has meaning. I don't know about you guys but I'm going to print this out right now and tape it to my desk.

All in all a great resource for a little bit of inspiration while getting down and dirty at your animation desk. Keep up all the great work everyone. Hope to see some amazing work out of all of you very soon!

Monday, 4 January 2010

Corset gal

Sigh, It's been a while since I've posted anything. I know, shame on me v_v... I've been working two jobs tryin to make ends meet, and concequently not getting any creative work done! It's awful! But here is something that has been on my desktop for a while and I finally have a day off to finish it. So here it is!