Wednesday, 30 July 2008


here is a build I've finished. took about 2 hours of solid work.
He's going to be a weight lifter. When I get a chance to animate him. I'm Kinda in the middle of packing and fixxing up the apartment to move.

Expect this in the next week. For realz.


ninjabird said...

9 x awesome!! Seriously, great pose, sweet character! Will his little abs flex when he lifts things? One thing-- the center line makes me a bit confuse about which way his body is oriented, since it could almost be the line that separates the wing-covers on the back. Maybe if it was just the same color as the ab details, and didn't run the full ventral length?

Korik Jones said...

o0o thanks, funny how a little sketch can turn into an animated character. I know what your talking about with the line, I was a bit confused as well. but I've taken it out and it looks fine I'll update the still. Thanks for reminding me.